Seeing and Hearing Outside The Lines

It has been way too long since my last entry, and I do apologize for taking so long to continue learning how to recognize energy. 

Do you remember around the fourth or fifth grade you were asked to stare at a blue, yellow and black version of the US Flag? After a minute or so of staring at it, when you either closed your eyes, of looked at a white sheet of paper, you saw the normal red, white, and blue flag. This showed the phenomena of the after image. The after image of colors can be seen even if you are looking at something that appears to be invisible. 

Have you ever wanted to see another person's aura? Stare at friend for a few minutes, then shut your eyes. There is a good chance that you will see a dark outline of a human head, with colors that appear to be radiating from the blank human form. This is the after image of the color of that person's aura. 

If you would like to see your own aura, place a hand on a white sheet of paper. Stare at it for a few minutes, and then quickly yank your hand off the paper. You should see a darker outline of your hand, with colors radiating from it. Even though our eyes may not be able see someone's aura, the brain recognizes the energy vibration as color, and when you are focused on one color for a period of time, the after image is reflected. 

Have you ever looked a piece of art and it made you feel disoriented or disturbed in some way? Perhaps the after image reflected from one color in the work causes a clash with another, visible or invisible color. In music, the driving force of composition is the overtone series. One note reflects fifteen other audible or inaudible notes. 

If there is tension or dissonance in music, it is caused by the clashing of overtones. There is a lot more to see or hear that meets our eyes and ears. Taking a look or a listen between the lines can be an enlightening and awe inspiring experience.