
Music to Heal By offers original healing music, and spiritual healing and guidance.

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Boz's Blog

Encountering Fear

To some, there is fear around every corner, lurking, just waiting for someone who expects it to show it's seemingly ugly face. How would one live with out fear? It is our watchdog. Perhaps this is another one of the universes balancing acts, like ying and yang, or matter and anti matter. When those forces are combined they create a tremendous vibrant energy that has the power to move mountains. Look back upon your journey and see when you made a decision based in fear. How did those decisions work out for you? Finding the balance between fear and determination can be hard for some of us. if we step back away from the source of fear, we will see past it, and the answers will be there for you.

Prayers & Affirmations

A New Season

"Winter is done, our hibernation has ended. 

Now as the days begin to warm, envision your hopes and dreams budding from the  newly warmed soil. 

You have thought about them for months, perhaps longer.  

Time is moving ever faster, With this new season let  the best of you spring to life. Enjoy the sights and smells of freshness and continue your growth, in the very near future the buds of success will bloom."



My grass grew better after my reading!

Hibernia, New Jersey

About Me

 Frank Bozak, Reiki Master, Composer, HealerI first became interested in healing while stationed with the Pacific Fleet Band, in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

The band had somewhat of a nine to five type of schedule, so I had many evenings and weekends off. I began to become enamored with the vast metaphysical activities in and around Honolulu.

It all made sense to me, and I felt like a switch had been turned on inside of me. I had no doubt that I was a healer. I left the Navy to attend Berklee College of Music as a film scoring major. During a winter break I was invited to a Reiki event in a beautiful cabin near Grand Father Mountain, N.C. Reiki blended well with the other healing modalities that I already had in my tool kit. In a few years I became a Reiki Master.

Upon graduating with honors I left to pursue what I thought was my calling, composing music for film and television. I simply followed the long line of film scoring majors to Los Angeles where I quickly found work as an assistant to an award winning film composer. While going out on one of many coffee runs, I met a woman who was a Reiki Master. When I came back with the coffee, I told my employer about my meeting. He commented that it was the first time he ever saw me smile.

Like many people, LA chewed me up and spit me out. I sort of wandered around in a daze for many years. I knew I had something to offer, yet, finding it was like chasing a feather.

I found many opportunities to heal others, yet avoided healing myself. At what seemed to be my darkest hour, I began to compose again. This was something that I had not done for almost five years. The music helped to heal me, and I knew that by combining my skills as a composer and Reiki Master was the best way I could serve the Universe.