Blog Postings

Encountering Fear

To some, there is fear around every corner, lurking, just waiting for someone who expects it to show it's seemingly ugly face. How would one live with out fear? It is our watchdog. Perhaps this is another one of the universes balancing acts, like ying and yang, or matter and anti matter. When those forces are combined they create a tremendous vibrant energy that has the power to move mountains. Look back upon your journey and see when you made a decision based in fear. How did those decisions work out for you? Finding the balance between fear and determination can be hard for some of us.

Seeing and Hearing Outside The Lines

It has been way too long since my last entry, and I do apologize for taking so long to continue learning how to recognize energy. 

Do you remember around the fourth or fifth grade you were asked to stare at a blue, yellow and black version of the US Flag? After a minute or so of staring at it, when you either closed your eyes, of looked at a white sheet of paper, you saw the normal red, white, and blue flag. This showed the phenomena of the after image. The after image of colors can be seen even if you are looking at something that appears to be invisible. 

Heat Spell

The weather in the northeast has been extremely hot. Because of this, I spent more time doing nothing that I have in quite a long time. Doing nothing leads me to do nothing, and that leads me to some slightly twisted thinking. I am going to have to drag my little rear end downstairs to my studio and start a new composition or two. An artist who I met in Birch Run has offered to assist with the cover to "Awaken the Past." I hadn't listened to any of the tracks in a few weeks. Even though I created the music, I was amazed at how much better I felt afterwards.

Busy Season Approaching

Coming to that time of year where I get a bit busier. My favorite fairs are coming up, and I was inviting back to the Sound Light and Ascension Expo in Louisville in September. As I mentioned in an earlier post, my time is tied up with my mother, so I didn't do much composing. For some reason, anytime I went to my basement studio, she would get a bit nervous because she wasn't able to see me easily. I discovered that I have to let her see me every fifteen or twenty minutes for her to understand who I am. Would like to see how my music helps dementia.

Two Ladies Needed

I will be the first to admit that I need these ladies in my life. It has been quite sometime since I have had the pleasure of their company. When they are around, I feel better, and I get along better with others. The grass is greener, traffic disappears, and I don't even mind when the Mets lose. When they are not a part of my life, I tend to isolate; curse at the tv when runners are stranded in scoring position, and go days without speaking to another soul. I've looked everywhere for these two gems. Maybe I'll find them by the end of this post.

All in the Mind?

Where is this all coming from? My first experience with this phenomena came during a weekend with Inward Inc. in Honolulu. This group has now grown into The Honolulu Church of Light, and its publications have gained an international following. It was a weekend where I had my first experience with automatic writing; table tapping; past life regression; psychometry and energetic healing. One of the exercises of the weekend was to take an object that someone often has with them and use the energy from this object to gain insight into the incarnations of the subject.

Breaking In The Bible Belt

"Had the honor of being part of one of the few psychic events in Montgomery, Al. There were concerns from many that this type of event would not be accepted in a city such as Montgomery. It was an enlightening weekend for me, as it was for the people that sat down at my table. The reviews left by those that I worked with were among the most positive I have received. The long drive went by safely and without incident, and was quite pleasant.

MLK Remembrance

Back in 1968, I remember watching Dr. Kings's funeral procession while drifting in and out of sleep. At one point I woke up while the procession had stopped just down the street from the Ebaneezer Baptist Church. The neon cross of the church was on the right side of the screen. From that point on, whenever there was a mention of the funeral, or the assassination, I remembered that image. About twenty years later, while a member of Navy Band Orlando, I played the parade in Atlanta marking the first year that his birthday was a national holiday.


It seems that whenever I have expectations about something, those expectations are never met. Either the outcome is far greater, or not even close. So to overcome that, I go without expectations. Then, when I go without any expectations, nothing seems to happen. After this happens a few times too many, I wind up not doing a damn thing, because, after all what is the use? Over the next few weeks, I will be working at several events that have been booked for sometime now. Many readers and vendors that I often work with tell me that they go into the event with a plan.

Spring Milestone

My first spring milestone has arrived, Major League Baseball's opening day. 

Not sure what it is about baseball that I enjoy, I guess that each game is similar, yet you see something you have never seen before on a regular basis, plus It opens me up to hope.

Recently I have decided to actively live with hope and work on manifesting only positive things in my life. 

Recognizing Energy

For the most part, human beings are not as attuned to energy as other beings we share the planet with. All of us have heard of animals sensing earthquakes, weather events, fear, and countless other energy events. 

If our life depended upon this we may be more aware that everything around us has an energetic fingerprint. Understanding this is twofold, first we need to recognize the energy, and two; how can we put this energy to our best and most perfect use. 


The last few days have been a whirlwind of emotions, some of the highest highs, followed by the lowest of lows. 

My father passed away seven years after being diagnosed with cancer. While I was not in the room when he passed, most of my immediate family were able to be with him within fifteen minutes of his death. While others shed tears, the smile on my face was one of the biggest I ever had. He finished this aspect of his journey. 

Four Letter Word, Starting With F

The temptation to experience this word has often led to us to do things that we normally would not do. We think nothing of the other party or parties involved if we sense this word in the equation. 

We have screamed this word in delight, and mumbled it under our breath in disgust. Some of us have searched through countless newspapers and internet sites in our quest for it. Many of us brag about how often we have experienced it, others, bemoan how little they had the experience. Is this word really worth the effort? 

Climb into the Cavern

When we try to avoid the hole that we have dug for ourselves it will continue to be there, growing a bit deeper each day. When we go to great lengths to avoid it, we wind up draining our energy. We may be afraid that if we walk along the edges, we may lose our footing and fall deeper in the hole. By climbing into the cavern we confront our responsibilities directly. When we climb in and look around we may see a foot hold that we would have never noticed before. We may see a shimmer of gold among a pile of rocks.

Finding Your Pitch

In music understanding the tonal center is a vital aspect of both composition and enjoyment. This central pitch is what all other notes are measured against. 

If this center of pitch is well defined, then the tension and release of the music will come about almost effortlessly. If the center of pitch is not well defined, then both the listener and composer will have a difficult time understanding and working within it's confines.

Balancing Tension

In everyday life, harmony is generally accepted as living with out tension. In music, harmony is the art of balancing tension. In life, it is easier to create tension, then it is to get out of it gracefully, and the same goes for music. Also, in our daily lives we often find it easier to deal with those farther away. In music, it is basically the same. It is much easier to harmonize a note that is farther away. Once again, in music and in our lives, the closer the relationship, the more challenging the harmony becomes.

DC al Coda

I was given the opportunity to travel this month to two very special events. Although, combined these events did not lead to much monetary profit, the rewards from these events will be paying off for years to come. The response I have received from the vendors, healers and readers that I have worked with in Columbus, Allentown and Buffalo has been tremendous. So many have come to me to offer their support and advice, and I am grateful to them all. I have a few things that interest me. I enjoy cooking, and I can talk about baseball all day long.

Stepping Out of Your Shadow

The shadow of expectation hovers over many of us, blocking a few moments of light each day. 

As this shadow takes hold, our days appear to be shorter. In time, it becomes difficult to be view anything outside the haze of this shadow. This can lead a person to feel as though they were born under a dark cloud. 

Could this cloud be the shadow of expectation? 

Confines of Harmony

Composition is building, and what your building needs some type of framework to create support. There needs to be an underlying idea to support the structure being built upon it. There are many different types of structures in the world. 

A structure to one may be considered just a hole in the ground to someone else. The reason for this is lack of understanding. Lack of understand is often the main road to fear and prejudice. 

Noteworthy Anniversary

What is it, a word, concept, or state of mind? Recently, I celebrated another noteworthy anniversary, twenty six years since my last drink. Anybody who has ever attempted sobriety has been told, probably more times than they would like, that acceptance is the answer to all of life's problems. I have accepted many things, and often stood by watching things around me crumbling and accepted them. While staying sober, I often heard that one should wear the world like a loose coat. One thing that I forgot about coats, is that they come with buttons.

Astrology of the Earth

The earth has its own astrological pattern that is different from those that inhabit it. Instead of moving in a clockwise motion every thirty days, Mother Earth’s pattern is counter clockwise at a much slower pace, taking close to 2012 years to complete its rotation. This creates a motion that is similar to the gears in a clock: one large gear moving in the opposite direction, turning the smaller wheel along its edge. Alone, these gears are useless, together they create momentum and drive time forward.


What is it, a word, concept, or state of mind? 

Recently, I celebrated another noteworthy anniversary, twenty six years since my last drink. Anybody who has ever attempted sobriety has been told, probably more times than they would like, that acceptance is the answer to all of life's problems. 

I have accepted many things, and often stood by watching things around me crumbling and accepted them. While staying sober, I often heard that one should wear the world like a loose coat. 

Spring Milestone

"My first spring milestone has arrived, Major League Baseball's opening day. Not sure what it is about baseball that I enjoy, I guess that each game is similar, yet you see something you have never seen before on a regular basis, plus It opens me up to hope.

Recently I have decided to actively live with hope and work on manifesting only positive things in my life. Since I have started this about a week ago, I have learned a few things about manifestation. It is important to have a clear goal in mind.

Summer Plans

The majority of the summer will be spent working on a new CD called 'We Bring You Peace." So far, I am almost done with one track, which is a blessing of peace from the Order of Melchizidek. This offering did not turn out the way that I expected. My first thought that it was going to be peaceful, yet have a sense of reverence to it. It is a playful piece, about four minutes long, that is surprisingly upbeat. Not sure where the next peace offering will come from.

Wonderful news

Received this letter and I wanted to post this to show the awesome power of music.

Hey Frank - I wanted to tell you my mom was in ICU a few days and having a tough time  I took your CD up and put it in her ears while she slept- she improved the next day- it was the one for heart spleen kidney liver - she was having trouble with all of those  thank you so much for your gift

Turning 30, Again

"The decade of my thirties was perhaps my favorite and most productive time in my life. While that decade  started off on what appeared to be shaky ground it yielded many memories and lessons that have stood the test of time.

As I hit thirty alcohol free years I can feel the same buzz that I felt back then. There are new opportunities for me. My work is becoming more respected and doors are opening for me as a composer, healer, intuitive reader and as a friend, companion and lover.


If you would like to comment or offer me some feedback feel free to send me an e mail. Due to idiots and their spam, I am no longer accepting comments on this site.

Learning to Listen

As a musician who never trusted his ears, learning to listen seems like a daunting task. What I am finding to be even harder, is not listening.

By not listening you often miss vital information that comes straight from your heart, and is offered with love from the Universe. Generally speaking, this information normally makes everything flow smoothly. Not listening creates log jams at cadences or at the crossroads of life. Not trusting your inner voice puts you in a position where you have to work much harder than necessary.

"We Bring You Peace"

"After several years of work, my newest CD, "We Bring You Peace" is now available for sale. "We Bring You Peace" is a collection of musical gifts of peace from the creative collective consciousness of several realms, realities, entities and energies. Each selection is intended to create a sense of peace and wellbeing for the listener.

Music for Your Spleen: Guided Meditations

Guided Meditations can be a wonderful tool of growth and transformation. Try these with or without the music, or if you like invite some like minded friends over for a group meditation and share your visions. Do not get upset if you fall asleep, or if you feel you have not gotten anything from this. At least you had a few minutes to lie down and maybe have a quick nap.

Don't give up before you start

December is a month when procrastinators meet their match.

As the year is drawing to a close,
we tend to dwell on the things that we have not accomplished,
rather than what we have accomplished.

On top of that, there may be holiday obligations that need to be met with thought and care. With the sense of time running out, it is easy to stick our head in the snow,
and ignore the ticking clock.

Is there anything that you have given up,
before you even started?


Teach me to see myself through the eyes of love. Let me walk with your warming light shining upon me.

If you don’t know what you are supposed to be doing, you may feel lost and alone in your surroundings.
You begin to feel that you are far behind everyone else. Everyone seems to get it, except you.

People who feel this way often seek other means of finding themselves, such as alcohol or drugs.
These two things have proven many times over that they are not the best tools for getting a grip on life.

Teach Me Who I Am and Why I Am Here.

Photographers use light to illuminate key aspects
of their subjects. Without proper lighting, the image would appear flat and lifeless.

If you always view yourself without the light of love,
you will appear to yourself as flat and lifeless.
Allowing the warm light of love to wash over you,
will illuminate the best within you.

Are you putting yourself in the best light?


New Plans

First of all, I do want to apologize for not having my new CD ready in time for MUM. Instead of sending it out without a properly designed cover, and poorly mixed and mastered music, I decided to wait and release it in August at the Body Mind Spirit Expo in Skokie, Il. Also in the plans for Skokie will be the release of my prayer a day book compiled by the prayers that I channel after a reading. So for, I am about a third of the way through, and having a wonderful time with the work. I am being asked to live the prayers, which is quite interesting.

Earth Day

Earth Day is Monday, April 22. I would like to ask all of you for some help in healing and rejuvenating Mother Earth. As I mentioned in my last blog, my next CD is called "We Bring You Peace" There are musical gifts both to and from different energy sources. There is a piece for healing entitled "To Earth"

We all understand the healing power of music. If you can, at noon in your time zone, please play the song, and focus your energy and intention for healing of the planet.

Coming Soon

"After a long labor of love and learning, my newest CD is scheduled to be released in time for the Spring MUM Spiritual Holistic Expo in Allentown, Pa, May 18-19th.

Summer Plans - Update

"The new CD was going along very nicely, until I spilled a glass of water on my laptop. When I took my computer to be repaired, I was told that I may have to replace it if there is water damage. While waiting for the news, I did my research on a new computer, and had mixed feelings about the repair. I would love a new computer, but really can not afford it. When I got the call that there was no water damage, I was very happy. Since I was excited about the new computer I decided to upgrade my operating system.

Summer Plans Update

The new CD was going along very nicely, until I spilled a glass of water on my laptop. When I took my computer to be repaired, I was told that I may have to replace it if there is water damage. While waiting for the news, I did my research on a new computer, and had mixed feelings about the repair. I would love a new computer, but really can not afford it. When I got the call that there was no water damage, I was very happy. Since I was excited about the new computer I decided to upgrade my operating system.

Is It Really That Simple?

Whenever you are feeling out of sorts in anyway, the first solution anyone offers is take a deep breath. 

When undertaking any task, one tends to draw a big breath at the beginning of the task, and breathe out when the task is completed. When undergoing a possibly painful medical or dental procedure, you are told to breathe deep. 

Drawing a deep breath seems to reset mind and body. It has the ability to wash away fear and stop time. Inspiring words and music are carried out on a carpet of breath. The key to this to be aware of your breath. 

The Shift is On

"December 21, 2012 was slated to be a special day. Many people feel that the day simply passed and nothing happened, the world did not end; pigs did not fly; and there was no rapture. There are others, myself included, who feel that this was a highly eventful day, which opened the doors for better days.

A New Understanding

At every event that I attend, there are several vendors and readers who's main focus is Angels. People that I know who were previously unsuccessful tell me that things changed for them when they started working with the Angels. When an event is not going as I hoped it would, I am often told, 'ask your Angels.'

Many times I have asked, and nothing happened. Time after time after time, my feelings, and the stark reality of the results, show that I am often at the bottom rung of a group of vendors who are not making a dime.

Now is Now

There are many books that I have tried to read throughout my life. The only two I currently can remember finishing are "The Amazing Mets" and "Mutant Message Down Under."

One of the more intriguing books I started to read is "The Power of Now." After waiting for what seemed like forever, now is now here. It has always been here, yet I never recognized or exercised the energy that now brings.

Since my last post, now has caught up with me rather suddenly. It is here and it is demanding to be acknowledged.

Raleigh Fever

For the second time in three years, I woke up after the BMSE event in Raleigh, shivering with a high fever. I was cursing the world, wondering just why I had gotten another case of Raleigh fever. It took me a few hours to understand, that what was causing my fever was not Raleigh fever, it was merely a virus. I did realize that I did indeed catch something while in Raleigh, and I am very grateful that I did. I learned that:

Raleigh fever spreads by inspiring someone who felt as is their life was stuck on hold.

Raleigh fever spreads by opening a hardened heart to spirit.

Readings, Healing, Music and Art

Readings, Healing, Music and Art is the next logical step in a healing practice that has allowed me to meet many new people in cities in both the US and Canada. Along with fellow Master Healer Amy Terefenko we work together to  quietly assist your body into a receptive state, enabling healing to occur on multi-dimensions. Healing modalities may include Shamballa, Vibrational Pulse Healing, Reiki and the healing energy of crystals and feathers.

One Size Fits All?

Opening day is few days away, that means for a few hours everyday, I will be in front of the television watching the Mets. In a month or two, Citi Field will have Cap Day, where you get a replica hat that fits everyone. Anytime something is offered as one size fits all, it seems as if it doesn't really fit anyone. You are stuck with a two inch plastic flap that sticks out to one side, and causes the hat to poke out in the back. It makes the hat look like you had to pin to your head for it to fit you.

Kindly teach me that the energy of spirit, and the energy of earth, flow from the same source.

Many wonder where their source of inspiration comes from.
Does it flow from the mighty river of perpetual knowledge high above in anther realm, or does it come from within?

Did it ever dawn on you that they me be one and the same?

Our bodies and minds are merely an energy harness for spirit. They contain the same energy as all that we believe to be better than us. We are connected to spirit, linked in a perpetual flow of energy. When we reach into our heart, we are reaching into the heart of all things possible.